The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions. 政府关于工资和控制物价的新规定的执行性被其中的那些例外情况削弱了。
The government would inflate the economy and then put on price control. 政府将先让经济膨胀,然后再实施物价管理。
Decision Utility Analysis of Public-hospital Physicians: Behavior Analysis of Public-Hospital Physicians Under Price Control 公立医院医生决策行为效用分析:价格管制下公立医院医生的行为分析
At the same time, NDRC issued notice to urged local pricing departments to take relevant measures to ensure the market stable after the price control removed. 国家发改委同时下发通知,要求各地价格主管部门认真做好解除临时价格干预措施的相关工作,确保市场平稳。
The prices of export products of a joint venture shall be set by the joint venture itself and shall be reported to the department in charge of the venture and the price control department for the record. 合营企业的出口产品价格,由合营企业自行制定,报企业主管部门和物价管理部门备案。
Price control can damp down a general rise in prices. 价值控制可以压低价格的一般上涨。
The price control department told our reporter that supervision will be further strengthened to ensure a stable supply of the gas and keep the price at a reasonable level. 物价部门表示同时,下一步将加强监管,以保证天然气市场供应和价格平稳。
When they tendered for the land, price control was not a term of the tender. 当他们投标土地时,价格控制并不是招标书中的项目。
The discussion on price control in tendering organizing in real estate development project 房地产开发项目招标组织中造价控制探讨
Have an intimate knowledge of the regulations and policies related to the sales price control and industrial and commercial administration of the State and hotels. 熟悉国家和酒店有关销售价格调控和工商行政管理的法规和政策。
Analysis of Present Situation Chinese Drug Price Control and Reformation 我国药品价格管理现状及改革思路浅析
Study on Risk Based Congestion Management and Price Control Scheme in Electricity Market 基于风险的电力市场输电阻塞管理和电价控制策略研究
And09 are still expected a certain price control failure, tight monetary policy difficult, the potential risks of worsening inflation. 而预期09年仍存在一定的价格管制失效、货币紧缩政策难以为继、通胀恶化的潜在风险。
"The declining prices offer the government a great opportunity to adjust the price mechanism for resource products and relax price control," said Chen. “价格下跌为政府提供了很好的机会进行资源性产品的价格机制调整,并放松价格管制”,陈说。
A businessman who has "met a payroll" may feel that his views on price control are final. 一个能够从容支付工资的工商业者,可以认为自己的关于限制价格的观点是无可非议的。
Government control of the rents of houses and apartments is a special form of price control. 政府对院宅和公寓房租的管制,是价格管制的一种特殊形式。
Analysis of Urban Tap-Water Price Adjustment and Price Control Policy 对城市自来水价格调整以及价格管制政策的分析
This paper gived the explanation to the ownership and scale discrimination in the Private enterprise financing, based on the theory about price control in New Institutional Economics. 本文运用新制度经济学关于价格管制以及租金分配理论,对民营企业融资中遭遇的规模歧视与所有权歧视问题给出解释。
From this month on, price control on fresh pork will Be lifted in this city. 本月起,本市新鲜猪肉放开价格。
On the problem of air ticket price control, there are more qualitative studies than quantitative studies which have fixed patterns, and their conclusions are also simplistic and shallow. 机票价格管制问题的定性研究居多,定量研究流于定势和浅显,结论也较单一笼统。
Collection of fees from users which have not been approved by the price control department; and. 向用户收取未经物价部门批准的费用;
Once a dealer violating price control regulations, the company will cancel the sales qualification. 一旦发现经销商违反价格管理规定,公司将取消销售资格。
According to estimates by World Bank economists, non-tariff barriers, including other distortions such as subsidies, price control measures and technical standards, make up 70 per cent of all global barriers to trade. 世界银行(worldbank)经济学家估计,非关税壁垒,包括补贴、价格管制措施及技术标准等其它造成市场扭曲的手段,占到全球所有贸易壁垒的70%。
Relax price control, enliven the market. 放开价格,搞活市场。
Department at all levels for finance, planning ( price control) and discipline inspection and supervision should exercise supervision and inspection of the implementation of the Provisions. 各级财政、计划(物价)、纪检监察部门要对《规定》的执行情况进行监督检查。
Secondly, the separate operation blocked up the room of financial innovation and fund price control system made financial innovation lost the market base. 分业经营的制度安排封堵了金融创新空间;资金价格管制使得金融创新缺乏应有的市场基础。
The price control authority may impose on the auctioneer a fine of not less than one time but not more than five times the amount of the commission for auction. 物价管理部门可以对拍卖人处拍卖佣金一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。
Purchase cost control is to purchase quantity and unit price of the stock control, focus on the purchase of the unit price control. 进货成本控制在于对进货数量和进货单价的控制,着重于进货单价的控制。
Price Control and Rent Dissipation with Labor Contract Law as an Example 价格管制与租值消散:以劳动合同法为例